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「Terry & Friends」走进「TechShop」 | 为硅谷创客分享「山寨2.0」(美国西海岸时间 5月28日)(全英文演讲)

2015-05-29 18:00~21:00
Techshop,美国旧金山市 Howard 街926号。


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已有 350 次关注

硬件创新领军企业「Seeed Studio」创客创业社区「ShenzhenWare」联合硅谷知名创客空间「TechShop」,邀请创客创业精神领袖程天纵(Terry)老师,将于5月28日晚在美国旧金山「TechShop」创客空间,为美国创客分享,在硬件创新生态系统中,如何重新定义和重构山寨。



开源硬件领军企业「Seeed Studio」创客创业社区「ShenzhenWare」联合硅谷知名创客空间「TechShop」,邀请创客创业精神领袖程天纵(Terry)老师,将于5月28日晚在美国旧金山「TechShop」创客空间,为美国创客分享,在硬件创新生态系统中,如何重新定义和重构山寨。

对于那些与深圳硬件生态系统相关的人来说,程天纵(Terry)老师是一位和蔼可亲的导师。基于他多年在顶尖工业制造企业的管理经验和近年来对中国创客运动的热切关注, 程老师为飞速增长的硬件创新领域带来了非常有价值的建议和有益的见解。2014 年 8 月,程老师受邀参加了「ShenzhenWare」组织的一次「深圳湾夜话」活动并分享见解。之后,一个 40 多人的聊天群迅速扩展到 6000 多成员,大家在群内与程老师以及其他小伙伴分享观点寻求答案。于是,「Terry & Friends」微信社群出现了。在过去的 200 多天里,程老师利用自己的时间自费对 218 个创业团队做了义务辅导(这个数字统计截止到 2015年 4 月 11 日)。此次,程老师利用他在美家庭旅行的时间与我们分享他对创客创业生态和山寨的观点。



前中国惠普总裁,德州仪器亚洲区总裁,富士康集团副总裁。新竹交大电子工程系 1974 年毕业,1991 年美国 加州圣克拉拉大学工商管理硕士毕业。1979~1997 服务于惠普,其中 1992~1997 担任中国惠普总裁。1997~2007 担任美国德州仪器亚太区总裁。2007~2012 加入富士康担任集团副总裁,2011 年兼任集团子公司香港上市的富智康 CEO。2012 年 6 月决定退休开启第二人生并成为创客创业导师。

本次活动由「Seeed Studio」和「O’Reilly Media」共同举办。在此,也特别感谢 David Cranor,Dellaena Maliszewski,Jon Bruner,和 Shining Hsiong (炫姐姐)的帮助。活动提供饮料和小吃,希望大家共享这美好夜晚。同时感谢「TechShop」承办此项活动。



地点:Techshop,美国旧金山市 Howard 街 926 号


Seeed Studio

Seeed 是一个开放的硬件创新平台,提供开源硬件产品和小量生产制造服务,是一家致力于促进开源硬件发展的服务型企业。通过模块化的快速开发工具,使设计者能根据创意,简单快速地开发出产品原型。此外,还通过提供从研发辅助,采购生产到渠道分销的一站式配套服务,帮助设计者实现从创意到产品的转换。Seeed 通过设置创客空间和在深圳举办创客节,也是创客运动的坚强推动者,Seeed 总部位于深圳,在旧金山和台湾有运营机构,致力于联系美国和亚洲两地。在中国创客运动快速发展和美国硬件复新的背景下,Seeed 希望其在湾区的办公室成为大家了解深圳的大门。

O'Reilly Media

O'Reilly Media 通过出版书籍杂志、提供线上服务,开展研讨和召开会议等方式传播创新知识。 O'Reilly Media 将于6月23至25日在旧金山 Fort Mason 举办 2015 年 硬件大会。通过本次会议,大家可以对数据、设计、安防、最新制造创新等内容在物联网和硬件创新中的应用进行研讨。此外,本次会议中,初创公司企业可在展台免费路演。



如果你喜欢自己动手做东西,或者是做些发明创造,却苦于找不到合适的器材,那么 Techshop 是一个你想去的地方。Techshop 聚集了众多来自民间的创新想法,能够提供给你足够的地方,工具,仪器和培训,让你把原始的想法做成原型,甚至做成一个完整的产品,同时,优秀的创新产品也引来了瞩目的经济效益。

第一个 Techshop 商店成立于 2006 年,加州 Menlo Park。当时在加州有许多非常热衷于开发开放式软件、硬件的工程师和电脑高手。这些 DIY 爱好者聚集在被称为 Hackerspace 的地方写程序,做机器人,同时交流分享他们的专长和经验。Hackerspace可以是大学校园、社区交流中心或者是一些会议室。这些活动参加者往往不求报酬,只是单纯的由于对机械电子的兴趣爱好而聚集在一起。

作为美国最大的连锁创客空间,TechShop 目前已在美国七个城市开设分店,并正计划拓展到其他主要城市。


「深圳湾」&「湾社区」是国内最早的服务创客与创业者的自媒体和网络社区,平台包括国内最早的关注创客创业的微信公众号「深圳湾」,最强连接的「Terry & Friends」微信社群,服务于创客创业资源对接的社交网站「ShenzhenWare.com」,以及每周至少一场线下分享活动,包括颇有影响力的「深圳湾夜话」,「深圳湾课堂」,「深圳湾开放日」,「创客创业大会」等等。



本次活动在美国旧金山举行,报名请点击:Shenzhen Hardware Ecosystem with Terry Cheng


Shenzhen Hardware Ecosystem with Terry Cheng

Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (PDT),San Francisco, CA

If you are in the hardware world, chances are that you must have worked with Shenzhen or have visited/lived there one time or another. Shanzhai (山寨), the chinese word for imitated and pirated goods, especially eletronics in China, can be a particularly scary thing for hardware makers here. Join us for an evening with Terry Cheng to discuss how Shanzhai is being reconstructed and redefined in the new era of hardware innovation ecosystem - Shanzhai 2.0.

About the speaker:

For those who are involved with Shenzhen's hardware ecosystem, Terry is a lovely and gracious mentor for all of us. Based on his many years of management at industry leading companies in manufacturing and his keen involvement in China's maker movement in recent years, he brings particularly valuable advise and insights much needed in the rapidly growing and sometimes overheated space of haredware innovation. Back in August 2014, Terry was invited to share his insights and experience at an event organized by Shenzhenware, a maker community based in Shenzhen. A group chat with 40+ participant spun from that event quickly grew to 6000+ members, constantly exchanging thoughts and seeking advise from Terry and from each other. Somehow, the group emerges as 'Terry & Friends'. In the past 200+ days, Terry has provided mentorship to 218 teams out of his own time and expenses. We are super excited that he can spare his family vacation time in the bay area to share his insights with us.

Ok, if you need the serious bio, here it goes:

Mr. Terry Cheng served as the Chief Executive Officer at Foxconn International Holdings Limited since January 1, 2012 until July 26, 2012. Mr. Cheng joined Foxconn Technology Group in 2007 and serves as its Corporate Executive Vice President, principally responsible for formulating, driving and implementing business initiatives and strategies and presiding over and leading organisations and operations. Mr. Cheng has over 28 years of extensive management, marketing, sales and operational experience in the global electronics and engineering industries with multinational companies. Before joining Foxconn Technology Group, from 1997 to 2007, he served as the President of the Asia region for Texas Instruments Inc. From 1992 to 1997, Mr. Cheng served as the President of China Hewlett-Packard. Prior to that, Mr. Cheng held various Senior Executive positions with Hewlett-Packard Intercontinental, Hewlett-Packard Asia and Hewlett-Packard Taiwan, respectively. He serves as a Director of Foxconn Communcication Technology Corp., Wide-Ranging Investments Ltd., Evenwell Holdings Ltd and FIH Co. ltd. He served as Director of Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited until February 1, 2013. He served as an Executive Director at Foxconn International Holdings Limited since January 1, 2012 until July 2012. He has achieved a top ranking and good reputation in the industries. Mr. Cheng received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 1974 and a Master of Business Administration degree from Santa Clara University, USA in 1991.

We're excited to co-host this event with Seeed Studio and O'Reilly Media. Special thanks to David Cranor, Dellaena Maliszewski, Jon Bruner, Shining Hsiong for helping to make this happen. Drinks and light snacks will be provided. Hope you can join us for a lovely evening.

Thanks to the TechShop for hosting this event!

About the cohost:

About Seeed Studio: Seeed is an open hardware innovation platform that helps makers turn cool ideas into reality. We provide open source hardware products and small quantity manufacturing service with a design from manufacturing mindset. We are also a strong promoter of the maker movement, value and lifestyle in China, by starting the first makerspace and being the host of the full feature Maker Faire in Shenzhen. Headquartered in Shenzhen with operations in San Francisco and Taiwan, Seeed also sits in a unique position to connect between US and Asia. Under the backdrop of rapid maker movement development in China and hardware renaissance in US, we hope our new bay area office can become your portal to Shenzhen. Join our meetup group to stay updated on our events in the future: http://www.meetup.com/Hardware/

About O'Reilly Media: O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovations through its books, online services, magazines, research and conferences. O'Reilly Media will host the 2015 Solid Conference June 23rd-25th in San Francisco at Fort Mason. The Internet of THings isn't your typical industry, and Solid is not your typical conference. This will be an amazing opportunity to join the Internet of Things and Hardware conversation in areas of Data, Design, Security and the latest innovations in manufacturing. In addition to the conference, startups can also demo for free in the Solid Startup Showcase. Learn more: www.solidcon.com


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小助手 2015-05-25 17:10


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李杰睿 2015-05-25 22:24


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張志華 2015-05-26 03:15


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張志華 2015-05-26 03:16


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侯兰忠 2015-05-26 06:24


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肖明辉 2015-05-26 07:39


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吴清渠 2015-05-26 10:01


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最新消息:Arduino 创始人 Massimo 大叔,也注册来参加我们的活动啦啦啦!!!

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magicx 2015-05-26 13:22

上次在杭州的没能参加 这次反而路过有机会:)

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邓雪峰 2015-05-29 11:12


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黄炜中 2015-05-29 11:45


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丽卡 2015-07-21 15:23


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